Multi-Stakeholder Network

Multi-Stakeholder Network

One of the key actions called for in the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation is the launch of a Multi-Stakeholder Network (MSN) to promote holistic, inclusive approaches to digital capacity development for sustainable development. This Multi-Stakeholder Network will also include a ‘clearing-house-function’ that connects requests for support to providers of capacity development initiatives. This Multi-Stakeholder Network will also help maintain the resource database of existing digital capacity development initiatives.

In doing so, the Multi-Stakeholder Network seeks to raise the level of digital capacity worldwide, particularly in developing countries, by increasing awareness of and access to available trainings. By promoting more coherent and coordinated information sharing, it will also reduce search and transaction costs. Members of the Multi-Stakeholder Network will together become important components to a holistic and inclusive approach to digital capacity building for sustainable development.

How to engage with
the Multi-Stakeholder Network

The Multi-Stakeholder Network is an evolving entity, and its offerings and structure may change
based on needs and feedback. Multi-Stakeholder Network members will initially consist of active members of the cross-sector Roundtable on Digital Capacity Building, launched in response to the Secretary General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, and includes UN Member States, other multilateral organizations, private corporations, NGOs, civil society, academic centers, and other institutions. Interested new members can contact the Multi-Stakeholder Network to be added to the list.

To engage further with the Multi-Stakeholder Network, fill out the form below: